
Transformation / Transfiguration

1Cor.15:51 “We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed.” Change of form, shape, structure or substance; transformation. A marked or complete change of character, appearance, condition etc.

We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and that is good. Let us bring that to a higher dimension. Name means nature or the character of that person.

So we must take on His nature & pray in His nature; become His nature. God is Love; how simple. We must become His Perfect love to the world.

So our invisible God can become visible to all mankind. Jesus said, ”If you see me you see the Father.”

The City of Truth Ministries is all about opening the message of Life to all creation. So we may all know the truth that sets us free. To learn our true identity, not the old Adam for which we were, but the new creation man in Christ Jesus. Our vision has been always to be all that He is, to know Him in spirit & in truth. It has been a journey for us, allowing the Father to teach us His ways,. We don’t know all His ways, but we do know a lot of them, for they have set us free from the doctrines of man.

“I see the Lord and He is high & lifted up and His train fills my Temple.” We have a vision for a piece of land, a retreat for His people. Where whomsoever, (young and old, rich or poor) may come and stay and hear His words of life. To learn of Him, become rooted and grounded on a strong foundation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  To be that out stretched hand to His people.  So many have made wrong decisions so young in their life. To all the ones without a hope, may we be a light  (an understanding) that our Lord came to give them life and that which is more abundant. So many are in the valley of decisions. May we (as Ezekiel prophesied to those dead dry bone so they may live) be a beacon of light.

Ezk.37:3-7.  vs.3  And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.

vs.4  Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.


vs.5  Thus saith the Lord God, unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:

vs.6  And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with  skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live, and ye shall know that I am Lord.

  1. 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied, there was a noise and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.

May we be committed to bring them a hope, a word of encouragement that all things are possible to him that believe. May we be their strength until they are strong.

May we be their example of who He is, until they may also know we are all the same in Him.

May we show His healing power in our lives, until they may know that healing for themselves. For this is the plan of God.  “That every knee shall bow and every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord.”

The caterpillar a lowly worm that has had to crawl on its belly all of its life to exist. However, within this lowly worm lies a substance, maybe the size of a pin-head, that awakens in this worm and lets it know it has a higher destiny.  Come up higher, you have a higher destiny. There is a substance in you, it is called the Holy Spirit; that will lead and guide you to all truth. What an awesome God we serve.  No matter how down we are in our life He has a destiny for each one of us to be transformed back to the Garden of Eden. The garden (or kingdom) within us. Transformed by the renewing of our mind.  No more limitations of this human existence.  To know our true identity in Him. May we give them a haven, until they know their true identity.

Coming from darkness to life. Coming from hell to the Heavens.

Coming from death into life.Transformed from the carnal mind to the mind of Christ.

Coming into our promised land of nothing is impossible to him that believe. No more limitations.


Jesus said, “If you see me you see the Father.” Oh The Glory of it All, that He may be Glorified in us.

What a beautiful lesson to learn of the caterpillar. It was all within himself, all prepared before the foundation of the world, as it is in each one of us. Our Lord and Savior’s message to the world. “The Kingdom of God is within”.

Just as that worm must form a cocoon & is hid until it is free to fly. So are we in our cocoon & He is hid in us until the transformation process is finished & we become all that He is. The wisdom of God in this earthen vessel.

The Kingdom of God within man. Our destiny (that which is within) is to be manifested on the outside so our Father may be shown to the world & we can also say, “ If you see me you see the Father.”

God is Love, so must we become Love, that perfect Love. We are commissioned “to be ye perfect even as your Father is perfect”.

The word Perfect means to be complete. It is time to be complete in Him, the very image of our Father.

So put yourself in His hands and allow Him to mold you and make you after His will.

Watch and listen, the lowly worm that you were will be transformed to a beautiful creation of who He is and you will be set free.

Pastor Jean


To Know The Lord


In order to know the Lord, you must have a personal relationship with him.  Getting to know God by the spirit, is like any relationship, you must work at it.

His ways are so much higher then our ways.  So we must take the HIGH Way to him, which is the highway of holiness (holiness means to become Whole)  In a natural relationship before you get married, you want to know everything about your intended spouse.  You want to know what makes him or her happy, you want to be able to please them.  So it is with the Lord your God. If you don’t work at the relationship you will never have one.  The first thing to do is to know someone, it must be by the truth of that person. If we don’t it will lead to separation & divorce.

Getting to know your Lord, is really the same thing.  God’s cry to his people has always been the same cry.  To love him as he loves us.

The law never could do this, because his people see him as their Judge.  When you have a law of the land, you break it, you must face the Judge, you must reap what you sow.  The judge will give you the punishment of breaking the law.  This was the Israelites, they, if they broke the law, God was their Judge & this is what they believed… Israel could never have a relationship under the law & there was a divorce, the only way to know him is to be reconciled back through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Church, the gentiles has done the same thing, not working in grace, but in their laws. There not teaching, that their sins have been taken away, the old man is dead & NOW they are a new creation in Christ Jesus.

The door is open & we can know him through our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus came & reconciled the world unto himself.  He didn’t fail, he did it all, but we must know him by the spirit. & truth of who he is & what he did for us.

We are the Church, the bride of Christ, we are being prepared to marry the lamb. Our Lord.  The Bride must take on His name. (name means nature) we are one with Him, but, we must show it. Show the same nature. The Church is going through the refiner’s fire, we must be cleansed.  Religion teaches – give your heart to Jesus & you are going to be raptured out of here, WRONG! The word says, be ye perfect even as your Father is perfect. He is coming to receive His true Church, which is without spot, wrinkle or blemish. Even the Lord’s prayer, tells us.

Our Father which art in heaven, hollowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  We are not going anywhere; Heaven is


coming here. Not only to this world, or earth but, you are made from the dust of the earth.  Heaven is in you.  Heaven is coming to your earth.

That means you must be without your man made doctrines. Pre-conceived ideas about who he is & who we are.  You must see him as Love, see Him as mercy, see Him in grace & BE that love, BE that mercy, BE that grace, Jesus said, “You see me, you see the Father.” We must be able to say the same thing.

We must put away the doctrines of man & go to the fullness of Christ.  You will never know Christ, as your true husband until you lay aside man’s doctrines & beliefs.  When we speak the truth, the spirit, will confirm the truth to that person.  That is not our job, we speak the truth, the work is done by the spirit of truth to that individual.  We do not ever come against, the people in religious ideas of their particular church.  They have a desire for God.  The doctrines of that church, those walls will not stand in the sight of God.  Those walls or doctrines will come down.

We will know him when we see him because we will be as he is.  God is spirit, we are born of the spirit, so that makes us a spirit being, how will we know him by having his nature.  Our nature & his nature must be ONE.

Pastor Jean



Metamorphosis means to change its nature its character, to transfigure, a change of form.  We all know the story of the butterfly.  The transformation that takes place from being a lowly worm to become so beautiful & free from all limitations.  Even as a lowly worm, there is something, a substance within its own being that knows it is destined for a life that is so much better.  It sure is a lesson for all of us, this same thing.  There is a substance of God that lives within each one us, that can change us & brings us into a transformation that is so beautiful in Him.  To be as HE IS, words cannot describe the Glory.

How does this transformation for the caterpillar?  How is it birthed.  It’s all within itself.

The Caterpillar                                                        WE

The caterpillar cooperates by instinct.                   We cooperate by faith.

It withdraws into a closet, its cocoon.                    We withdraw within ourselves.

Scientist has said a “wave of determination”         We have that same determination

Seems to start the process of metamorphosis         (We want to know God for

On its way. indeed it does.                                      Ourselves Process starts.)

The wave of determination releases a hormone     (There is a seed of God that is

An exciter, from a few tiny cells in the                    released in us, the Holy Spirit)

Caterpillar’s brain, these hormones stimulate         ( starts to stimulate the mind of

The release of other hormones from the                   Christ in us.  This is done in

Caterpillar’s endocrine glands, & in secrecy            secret, ) in the secrecy of your

& silence of this little sealed cocoon a miracle         of your own being, the miracle

Of transmutation, a new pattern fulfillment,             of transmutation. New pattern

Begins to be accomplished.                                        The Christ coming forth.

How awesome & perfect is our God, such love he has bestowed upon us. What an example to show us all things are possible to him that believes.  I want it Lord, I want it Lord, it is my prayer to know you in spirit & in truth. Let the truth of your


word be released, so all humanity may know you in truth.  Not to know about you, but, for all to know & experience you. Amen & Amen. So be it!

Can one even imagine what it will be like for the Father to be fully glorified in us.

This spirit this substance of God in us, given by faith has birthed us into a new hope, a desire & a fulfillment to live.   We can be changed from this Adam (this Adam nature we are which is DEATH, to be made alive in Christ.

11 Cor.5:4-5  For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.

Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.

Rom.12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed (metamorphosis) by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

We cannot be conformed to this world, our own carnality, we must be transformed taking on this new nature (His name) of who He is we will know His will for us. This transformation comes by the renewing of the mind by the word of God.

1Cor 15:42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:

43 It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:

44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.


47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.

48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.

49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

These last scripture is what it is all about. We have borne the image of the earthly now we are bearing the image of the heavenly, which is the image of Jesus Christ, His mind.

1 Cor. 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

Flesh & blood cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ spilled His red blood at the cross.  His resurrected body, red blood did not run through his veins. The pure light of God ran through his veins.

Scientists found out over 25 yrs. Ago that the blood in our veins are congealed light.  You are not flesh & blood, you are now born of the spirit, a new creation man. Your blood line goes back to your brother Jesus & His blood is light.  We call the things that are not as though they are, this is a faith walk.

Vs.51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.  (We have awakened now to the things of God, your not in that death sleep of darkness that the first Adam was. You have been awakened now to the second Adam which is the Christ Jesus.)

Gen. 3:24So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim’s, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

We have been in a state of death ever since Adam, but though Jesus Christ we have the way & the truth & all that it takes to come back to life. This is truly our resurrection; he is being resurrected in us. That is how He is


coming back & will be seen of the world again, a many membered body of Christ.  He is bringing us from Glory to Glory.

11Cor. 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

(changed—metamorphous) This change will be by the spirit of God, not by man. It won’t be a scientific break-through, not a medical discovery, but only by the word of God becoming flesh again in a people.  You are the word of God being made flesh again.  This flesh body will take on Divine Flesh.

This change comes by a process a working of the spirit.  We go from one realm of heaven to another, or from Glory to Glory. Our own minds being renewed according to the image that God had perfected for us, before the fall of man.  IT’S ALL GOOD!


We live between two Worlds

We live between two worlds our worlds must become one.

Man was created in the spirit world.  Man was created in the spirit world after the image and likeness of God.  But, God wanted to be seen in the material world.

Hence God’s purpose for mankind.

When the Lord God brought forth a manifestation of himself in Gen. 2:7. He formed a body from the dust of the earth.  All the material he used in creation came out of God.  So even the dust is spirit. Man was created in the spiritual world.  God’ will and purpose is for man to live in the center of the two worlds.

Everything was good, everything perfected.  Being part of the material world of man, subject to decay and change.

We need to see how man was begotten of God. Christ Jesus in the beginning,  bridged the gap between God and man. He now appears as the Lord God.

Jesus Christ had always been.  “Ever Living one”.

John 1:1

Eph.2:10. We were created in Christ Jesus…  but never born.

Rom. 8:11 Same Spirit.  Only one spirit in this universe and that spirit is God.

John 10:24   Jesus and the Father is one. Jesus prayed Father you and I are one, now make them one with us.

John 10:27   My sheep hear my voice, not my sheep read my bible.

We are in God from eternity past, and we are in Christ from our creation in

Gen. 1:26. Gen. 1: 28, that first man Christ Jesus was told to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the earth.  He was obedient and did exactly what he was told to do.  Gen.2:7 He formed man out of the dust of earth (us) breathed into the nostrils the breath of life. (us) Now man was to bridge the gulf between the spiritual world and physical world.  Being spirit we can function in the spiritual world and the physical.


Being able to do that we to function in both worlds, defines our true identity of who we are.  We are created in spirit.

Man in the natural lives his life completely in the physical world, being subject to the limitations.

But, it is the Heavenly Father’s intention to function in the spiritual world, according to that eternal life he gave us in creation.

We need to different kinds of faculties, in order to operate in two worlds.

  1. Faculties geared for the physical world.
  2. Faculties geared for the realm of spirit.

In the natural world it is our natural or carnal mind, which was used to deceive Eve by the serpent, Eve the woman (who we are) was never created she was formed by the Lord God.  Therefore was subject to the deception of the serpent.  She never had the same relationship with God that Adam had.  So for her to break the love covenant that Adam had with God, was not a problem.  The serpent know she would be deceived and would believe the lie that she would not die if she ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

While man is subject to the carnal mind he would ignore the word of the Father.  Rom. 8:7 According to the carnal mind, the word death means cessation of life, so death takes over.  She did not literally die, she died to the intelligence of the spirit mind.  She was filled with the consciousness of other things.  Adam suffered the same consequence, he hid from God.

Rom 1:28   The term reprobate speaks of a metal that is not true to type.  Has an inferior quality.

Rom. 7:22.This is the double mindedness of our being. This dual function denies the reality of our true being and identity.



Rom. 7:8 The apostle Paul simplifies it.  If our identity is in Christ Jesus, then the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, has made us free from the law of sin and death.  Jesus Christ went to the cross as us to destroy mortality.   He was buried and on the third day.  He walked out of the tomb a new creation man.  Within in him was all mankind.  Forever free from the law of sin and death.  It no longer has a basis to function in us anymore.

The painful truth is that God’s people do not see themselves in Christ, who is Lord and King reigning in righteousness over our bodies which are the Temple of God.  We know this to be truth, but, now we must step into that reality.  The demonstration of that truth will be lacking.

This is a huge step to leave behind our sense of our mortality and look behind our birth into this world, to see our true identity in the spirit world & see the other side of the cross and the tomb.


2 Cor. 5:18 The ministry of reconciliation is very important.   Reconciliation to God is not optional, it is essential part of bringing into union of what we once were, with what we are now.

Col. 1:21  In his body of flesh on the cross, Jesus Christ reconciled us by exchanging the glorious body in which he suffered, bled and died for our body so that on the third day we might walk out of the tomb in a body that was perfect and incorruptible.  Christ declares triumphantly in

Rev. 1:18. “Whatever you have done in your life, I have already paid your debt in my body, taking it into death as your body. Now on the third day, the one who walked out of the tomb is YOU.  But your body is now different for it Is a NEW CREATION BODY.    Fashioned   after my  GLORIOUS BODY which cannot be affected in this world, for it belongs to that other world, WORLD OF SPIRIT, WHERE SICKNESS, PAIN, SUFFERING, AND DEATH DO NOT EVEN EXIST.”


The Cells of My Body

The Cells of my Body

Every cell of the bodies of entire human race is the perfect image of Supreme intelligence.

Scientist discovered in the cell a black hole. Thought it to be empty space.

Found out it was as strand of memory.  You have trillions of cells, if you were to put the stings end to end, you could go to the moon.

Amoeba (a mi ba) is a highly developed cell, component of untold millions of atoms. The Atom is as perfect as the solar system.

We all have this cell with the potential can implant its perfect image into every

Cell by multiplication.  How can this be done, by lifting the vibrating frequency to the frequency of the spirit. Each cell contains within itself the power to produce, to multiply.

I understand when a male sends his sperm, his seed to the female egg.. The seed must be perfect, the egg fertile. The woman conceives w/child. In the first trimester, the Mother supplies nothing to the embryo.  It’s all in the baby the cells multiply & multiply no man does anything. 3 months that baby is completely formed & then starts to take nourishment from the Mother.

These cells are divine & perfect they are destroyed because of man’s thinking.

Great bondages.  Thoughts of hate, fear, lack, anger, greed, control, gossip, judgement.  Our cells are at a low vibration, sickness, disease, old age sets in. This was never God’s intention.  This is what we created with our thoughts & becomes our nature.

We must bring up the vibration, to the highest degree.  Free of limitation. We must know God in Spirit & in Truth.  The mind of Christ is already in us, but we must learn to think from that mind, Take the authority of that mind

To know God never left us, He moves & has his being in us.  Everything we need to be the fullness of

Christ is in us.  The Christ is in us, We are the light, Jesus never walked toward the light. HE WAS THE LIGHT.

We also must be the light of Truth, The Light of Love, & the Light of God.

There is no more effective way to free your mind of discord then to positively know your entire mind & body is the Temple of the Living God.


I go forth this day in all things immersed wholly in God & God’s Abundance.  The conquering Christ stands forth one with God’s abundance & in every activity of this day.  Now I know that I am God’s supreme child.  I move each moment of this day immersed in God & God’s divine love. God! God! God! The great flame of love flows through every atom of my whole being. I Am the pure golden flame of God.  I pour the divine flame through my physical body.  The conquering Christ salutes you God, my Father. Peace! Peace! Peace! The great peace of God prevails!

The Realm of Appearance

The Realm of Appearance

1 Thess. 5:22  “Abstain from the appearance of evil.

The word  evil comes from a Greek word paneros  meaning hurtful,diseased, guilt, devil & sinner.   All these are referred to as being in appearance.

What an amazing thought!  The thing that creates pain & grief are only appearance. The fruit of good & evil produces death which is a part of our duality.

Psalms 139:12

Only man lives in the consciousness of light & darkness.  God tells us they all look the same. Treat people as they appear to be & they will remain so. Treat people as they are to become, in the light pf understanding & knowledge & they will become whole & complete—not according to the standards of the world, but, according to God’s standards.

John 7:24  1Sam 16:7.

We have insisted on working our way into the Kingdom through external means instead of being in the Kingdom.  Paul tells us in Corinthians that the realm of appearance is temporal. 11Cor. 4”18.

Temporal means worldly, earthly its physical consciousness. Another word would be illusion.  Illusion means perception of something existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of an actual nature.  We are Spirit, the offspring of God.

When we can look past physical conditions & see the reality of Spirit, we will change the world. Each person that comes into the world has come under some hypnotic spell. We perceive the external physical manifestations as reality. This spell comes in many forms.  It is known as poverty, disease. Drug & alcohol abuse & so on.  In order to remove this spell we must put the axe to the root of the tree.  What tree?  The tree of the knowledge of good & evil.

It does not serve us to engage in a little healing here or there; we must get to the root of the problem & know we are dealing with an inner condition & not just the outer actions of the individual.  Behind every fault & failure there is a cause.


By learning how to activate any given situation with a creative word By learning how to activate any given situation with a creative word, we can transfer it from one glory to another & change the nature or character of that situation.   This will never been done by the external  appearance; in that realm, things to be hopeless & impossible ,  LIMITATIONS BECOME UNREAL FOR THOSE WHO STEP BEYOND THE BOUNDRIES OF LIMITATIONS.

How many times have you experienced sickness or some other situations in your life in which you refused to acknowledge it with your words, but, the situation did not get better?

When you are sick & you say, “I am whole”, when you have a financial need & say, “I am prosperous”.   The confession is not reality.  It will not bring deliverance until you know you are speaking out of the true essence of your being, not from the carnal mind of your being. It is knowing who you are & living in that consciousness.

The spirit impregnates the mind with the thought,  “I am healed, “I am whole.”  These thoughts are the vehicle of the spirit your thoughts become that which the spirit is radiating.

You think God’s thoughts. Tuning your thoughts to a high frequency & in a twinkling of an eye, you think as God.  This is reality!  Illusions & appearances are transformed & become reality!  Not by the works of the flesh or mind (ego), but, by the effectual working of the Christ consciousness within.

Awakening to reality is to awake from our slumber in the realm of appearance.

We experience the miracle of transformed living when we awake from the dream of our physical existence.

11 Cor. 5:16 Wherefore, henceforth, know we no man after the flesh.

Sometimes we do not hear the truth of the scripture Word flesh comes from the Greek word, sarx meaning the body, what is external, human nature, carnally minded.

“ For to be carnally minded is death.”  Rom. 8:6

The word carnally comes from the same Greek word as flesh.  We have thought of the carnal mind as something unclean, wicked, evil & lustful. This is a religious interpretation.  The carnal mind is simply a mind that is effective by the external, physical realm of body  consciousness.

Flesh & carnal mind are symbols of the external.

To live in this consciousness brings death.   As long as we know ourselves after the flesh, we are carnally minded.

The death we    experie4nce, whether it is sickness, poverty, dysfunctional relationships or addictions, is a lie, expressing itself in the physical realm.

How do we change this?  By awakening to the truth that we are spirit, made in the image & likeness of God.

As we look past the physical appearance & see us ourselves in the reality of our true essence, we will begin to project that kind of thinking.

The mind no longer projects itself through the body, but, projects itself through spirit.

“When Christ who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye appear with Him in glory”. Col.3:4

When He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is.”  1 John 3:2.

The appearance of Christ takes place as we recognize our union with Him.  As the Christ appears, we appear.



The Call is To Come Up Higher

The Call is to Come up Higher

With every heartbeat of my heart I want to know HIM in Spirit & in Truth.  Rapture means —-a mystical experience in which the spirit is exalted to a knowledge of divine things.  We must know that knowledge of His divine wisdom.


Acts 1:7-8 Jesus speaking: And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times of the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

Vs.8 But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem & in all Judea, & in Samaria & unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Vs.9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; & a cloud received him out of sight.

Vs.10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold two men stood by in white apparel;

Vs.11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall come in like manner as ye see him go into heaven.

How did he go up? By the Spirit!  How will he return? By the Spirit. He could go & come as the wind.


The carnal mind can’t understand the things of the Spirit. The word has to be spiritually discerned. Paul tells us you will not see him as Jesus the man anymore, if you are still looking for him to come in the flesh outside of your flesh, your missing his return.  His return came on the day of Pentecost in the upper room.  Did he return to you in your upper room?  He is always bidding us to come up higher.  Come & see, Come & taste the Lord He is good.


11 Cor. 5 1-5 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made of hands, eternal in the heavens.


For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven. If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked ( to be naked, we lost the Glory covering of the Lord.) For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Now he that has wrought us from the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest (guarantee) of the Spirit.   To know him in the resurrection of his life, in your body. There is a people


coming forth in his likeness.  His very nature.  They have been thru the great tribulation, they have received garments of righteousness, their robes are white, not because of anything they did, but because they know what he did.  They are coming forth in his likeness in a many member body of Christ.  They are coming

as he is.  He is coming in the body of his people on this earth. You have made us one with you, heavenly Father. We will go forth & set the captives free.  Free from their humanity, of sickness, sin & poverty.  We will give them a hope that will raise their faith that will bring them into Love.  It is time to be about our Father’s

business. Stand up in Him, for it is His strength that has made you whole.  For He has redeemed your spirit, He is redeeming your soul & will redeem your body .as well.  You have borne the image of the earthly, so shall you bare he image of the heavenly body. You will walk in the newness of life, the more abundant life, that Jesus spoke of.


The enmity between us & our God has always been the carnal mind.  We cannot know him through our mind; we must know him with the mind of Christ.  This carnal mind has dictated to us long enough, he has sat on his throne long enough. We must all recognize this enemy before we can defeat him. It is our carnal mind, this is the anti-Christ.  The only thing that can defeat him is putting on the mind of Christ.   This is what our elder brother did for us to show the way back to the Father. Jesus said ‘“the Kingdom of God is within”, this mind of Christ is the Kingdom, It is the tree of Life,   and it is the wisdom of God.  This is the return to the “Garden of Eden”, it is all in you. The Christ in you is the hope of Glory,



He has promised us he will give us beauty for our ashes.  Has he burned your earth, your carnal mind, he is reducing it to ashes,     Is his beauty showing forth, maybe not 100%.  Give him time, he will show himself at his appearing in you. Be ye perfect even as your Father is perfect is the command.  The word perfect means to be made whole.  Be ye whole even as your Father is whole. The Christ is coming forth, The anointed one is coming forth It is he that is coming forth.  It is he that is standing up in you. It is he that is glorified.  Our prayer, our vision father is clear, Oh Father be glorified in your earthen vessels. your temple, not made by man but by your own hands. mold me & make me after thine will.  The City of Truth Ministries is all about opening the message of Life to all creation.


Pastor Jean