God is a Consuming Fire


Heb. 12:29  “For our God is a Consuming Fire”

Heb. 1:7  “ And of the Angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits & His ministers a flame of fire.”

Acts 2:1-19 Tells us the Church was established, they had the power, the anointing, the fire. 120 in the upper room, on fire with the Glory of the Lord, Baptism of Fire! VS. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as fire & it sat upon each one. (anointing of there tongue to speak in the authority of God) vs.4 filled with the Holy Ghost & began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Matt.3:11 John said, “ I baptize you with water, but there is one coming that will baptize you with the fire.

Vs.12 Burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. (burn the ways of the flesh until we are conformed to HIS will.)

Only God can produce this fire! The devil or darkness can counterfeit anything, but, cannot produce the fire of God.  He can speak in tongue, he knows the word, can prophesy, but cannot produce the fire.

We seen this work in the chasmatic movement, the fire fell, people were slain in the spirit, people were delivered & supernatural healings took place. We felt the energy, the fire, the power of God & it was beautiful.  The gifts were operating in the Churches & it was something to behold. Out of that move of God, many tasted,  the goodness of God, we were given a word to seek HIM with all our heart, to love Him with all of our heart & to love our neighbor as ourselves.  Then we were sent into the wilderness, set aside & to know the fire a different way.  A way of loneliness, set aside, like the caterpillar that we were, we had to enter into our cocoon.  Like the caterpillar though the sheer determination to know we are more then the lowly worm.  Like the caterpillar we will emerge into something beautiful & free from the world of limitations, free from the world as we have known it.  We are in the world but we are not of the world.  We found a new world, HIS world, He gave us a foretaste & it is good. HIS world, HIS Kingdom come in earth as it is in heaven. What earth is HE talking about, you were formed from the dust of the earth.  He is restoring you back to where you were before the fall of man.  The mind of Christ is already in you, but the seed needs to be nourished & come


Into full maturity, to know HIS ways. That is our wilderness experience, but, HE doesn’t keep us there, HE will bring us forth victoriously.

We live in two worlds, the one is the way of carnality, this is the world we have lived out of, but the world of Christ is another higher consciousness, it is from the mind of Christ.  The word always bids us to come higher, come out of the world as we have known it & enter in the Kingdom of God which has always been within us. We are the Temple of God.  Now let HIS train fill the Temple.

Oh there is something great coming on the scene, we have been set aside, we have come through a great cleansing of the Lord, we have known HIM in the fire, HE was always in the fire with us.  At times we could dance in the fire, for we knew HE lives in us.  In the fire we learned HIS ways & still learning, learning to take the authority HE gave us in the beginning before the fall of man.  Before man decided to do it his way & not the way of the Spirit or the way of the tree of life.

Matt. 3:24 We Live in HIM

Where we move in HIM & Have our being in HIM.

MATT. 16:33 The fire consumed our outer world which is our tribulation & we are no longer in the world, because Jesus overcome the world. 1 Cor. 2:12 1 Cor. 6:2-4

You will not judge this world from the 5 fold ministry.   We are called to minister from the Holy of Holies where the Glory of God abides.  This Glory we must BE & know who we are in HIM.  Minister means to serve & we must serve HIM.

How will we judge the world?  By telling them they are sinners, NO! Jesus took the sins of the world. We will teach them by showing the Father as Jesus did. Teach them the same spirit that lives in me, or you, also lives in them. Encourage them as they go through the alter of sacrifice that the Father accepts.  But, this fire is not unto death, but to life & that which is more abundant.  Don’t be afraid of the fire, trust HIM, the fire is only to burn out everything that is not HIM.  When you come through this fire, you will be able to be Ministers of Fire.  As a minister of fire we can call down the fire to any situation you are walking through or anybody else that may be walking through that does not line up with the word of God.  You can change their world.  Asking God the I Am that I Am to burn & consume the negative dark thing that is upon HIS people that are under the curse.  Like Jesus, let us be that instrument in the hand of the Father. Let us be that minister of fire,


like Elijah to show our God lives in us & we are one with HIM like Jesus.  Let them know the same Father that lives in me or you is the same Father that lives in them.  The seed is just dormant for a season, just love it, give it care, seek it & feed it & it shall grow & mature & bring forth fruit of like kind Glory!

Now the story of Elijah

What is this consuming fire.

1Kings 18:21-29  Story of Elijah told Israel, how long before you halt between two opinions?  Elijah said “put your sacrifice on the alter & put no fire to it.  Then told  Elijah the same to the 450 prophets of Baal & put no fire to it. The prophets of Baal cried all day, NO voice came no answer.

Now Elijah took 12 stones, put them on the alter, made a trench, put the wood & the bullock on the alter. Pored 4 barrels of water over it all & in the trench.  Then told them to do it 3 times. Elijah prayed, the fire fell & consumed the burnt sacrifice.  We also have laid on the alter & it consumed our world as we know it.  Reading about Elijah’s life you will find the preparation the sacrifice he had to make to come to the place that he was able to call down the fire.  He knew his God & He knew He would answer him.

James 5:17 Tells us Elijah was a man with a nature like ours.  He suffered the same things we do.

I want you to know, you may be in the fire, you may be on the alter at times in your life, but God is always teaching us to believe & to take authority over our situations.  He is making us believers.  The things that easily would discourage me at one time, don’t even phase me. Something happens in my life, maybe my family’s life, fear tries to rise up. I recognize it & stop it by the word.  We are learning to take our power back.  Sickness can’t stay, poverty, suffering, old age it all has to go in the name of the Lord, who I AM. We are no longer under the curse.

You can change situations, it’s a matter of believing you can!

We are the body of Christ which Jesus spoke of.

Elijah new how to send the fire, to burn everything up that was not God.

We can send the fire also, asking God the consuming fire to burn out everything that is not of Him.


Elijah also new how to stop the rain for three & a half years & then open the heavens & let it fall.  But, that is another good story.

This is the anointing!  Old people will have their youth restored, It’s restoration time.  The whole earth will be burned, purified, cleansed by the Fire of God.

This literal earth is not going to get any natural fire & be destroyed.  It will be a work of the fire of God, to bring peace on earth good will toward man. His Kingdom as it is in Heaven, will be here on earth. What a wonderful time to be living, to be a part of ushering it in! Use me Lord to Bless your people. So I Am The way, The Truth & The Life.  That is the prayer for all of us.  Pastor Jean