He Made Us Righteous


People are looking for a lot of things today, even Christians Some are looking for the “Anti -Christ”.  Some are looking for the great “Falling Away”.  Some are looking for the” rapture”.

Praise God that today we are not waiting for something to happen.  We are what is happening.  God is unveiling us to see the reality of Christ within His people.  We are seeing the manifestation of the Glory of God within the saints.  Thank God we do not have to wait for a “happening”.  I am not waiting for the so-called “great falling away”.  I am not waiting to be taken out of here.  I’m not waiting for the anti-Christ,” but I’m participating in the revealing of the manifestation of the glory of God within the saints.  That’s what we are beginning to see in these days.

God is appearing in a glorious church.  The church has always been glorious.  The church has never lost her glory.  It’s only man’s concept of the Church that has made it seem not so glorious, that has filled god’s people full of defeat, failure, depression and hopelessness. The Church in God’s eyes, has never lost her glory because the church is simply Christ.  Christ has never lost His glory.  Christ in you, Paul says, is the hope of glory.  When you have Christ revealed within you then His glory is revealed in you.

The hope of the church is not that someday we will be good enough, or will be holy enough, or we will be righteous enough that God might favor us.  NO!  The gospel is Jesus Christ in you and  He is your hope of glory.  If all you have is the hope of glory then you have not seen in reality that Christ is in you. He sees the Christ in you.  He looks past your defeat.  He looks past your failures & He sees Christ in His glory.

When you realize what being born again is all about, it changes your life.  Jesus came to give us another life–not our life made over, but a brand new creation.  That’s why Colossions tells us,”He is the head of a new creation”. He is the head of a brand new  .species of beings.

The love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts.  The same love that dwells in Jesus Christ has now been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.  Oh how wonderful it is when we begin to live from that unconditional love.  Until the people of God realize the depths of  the love of God, they will never see the glorious church in manifestation. The human mind cannot understand, and our natural religious mind will never accept the love that has been shed abroad in our hearts, because we cannot understand it with the human mind.

But let me tell you something.  God underwent a change in becoming man.  God never realized the human frailties and the weakness of a human until He


became one.  God changed His form, when he became a man.  He became something that He never was before when He took on flesh.  He literally dwelt in man–all the fullness of the triune God dwelt bodily in a man, Jesus Christ.   The God of the universe underwent a change when He took on humanity.  He understood human frailties.  For three and one half years all He did was good.  He healed the sick, He raised the dead.  He cast out demons, He brought people to deliverance, He brought them joy.  He restored to them the life that is really life.  Some of these same people He came to save put Him on the cross and crucified Him and killed Him.  From the cross, He said, ”Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” You see, when He became a man, He understood the human frailties and the weaknesses, because He suffered them all.


Upon the cross it says He took our sins, He took our sickness. He took our diseases.  He took our failures, He took our hang-ups, He took our habits, He took them unto  death and He left them there. Until Christians begin to understand this, we need men and women who can rise up with the word in a strong voice, in the power of the resurrected Lord and cry, “It is finished, we no longer have to feel inferior or condemned, for He has redeemed us and we are free.  Christ in us is our righteousness, sanctification and redemption.”  We literally have within our bodies, the God of the universe.  Where we walk there is Christ, when we speak, Christ speaks within us.  He is saying to the Church today. “ Oh won’t you be my arm extended.”