The Cells of My Body

The Cells of my Body

Every cell of the bodies of entire human race is the perfect image of Supreme intelligence.

Scientist discovered in the cell a black hole. Thought it to be empty space.

Found out it was as strand of memory.  You have trillions of cells, if you were to put the stings end to end, you could go to the moon.

Amoeba (a mi ba) is a highly developed cell, component of untold millions of atoms. The Atom is as perfect as the solar system.

We all have this cell with the potential can implant its perfect image into every

Cell by multiplication.  How can this be done, by lifting the vibrating frequency to the frequency of the spirit. Each cell contains within itself the power to produce, to multiply.

I understand when a male sends his sperm, his seed to the female egg.. The seed must be perfect, the egg fertile. The woman conceives w/child. In the first trimester, the Mother supplies nothing to the embryo.  It’s all in the baby the cells multiply & multiply no man does anything. 3 months that baby is completely formed & then starts to take nourishment from the Mother.

These cells are divine & perfect they are destroyed because of man’s thinking.

Great bondages.  Thoughts of hate, fear, lack, anger, greed, control, gossip, judgement.  Our cells are at a low vibration, sickness, disease, old age sets in. This was never God’s intention.  This is what we created with our thoughts & becomes our nature.

We must bring up the vibration, to the highest degree.  Free of limitation. We must know God in Spirit & in Truth.  The mind of Christ is already in us, but we must learn to think from that mind, Take the authority of that mind

To know God never left us, He moves & has his being in us.  Everything we need to be the fullness of

Christ is in us.  The Christ is in us, We are the light, Jesus never walked toward the light. HE WAS THE LIGHT.

We also must be the light of Truth, The Light of Love, & the Light of God.

There is no more effective way to free your mind of discord then to positively know your entire mind & body is the Temple of the Living God.


I go forth this day in all things immersed wholly in God & God’s Abundance.  The conquering Christ stands forth one with God’s abundance & in every activity of this day.  Now I know that I am God’s supreme child.  I move each moment of this day immersed in God & God’s divine love. God! God! God! The great flame of love flows through every atom of my whole being. I Am the pure golden flame of God.  I pour the divine flame through my physical body.  The conquering Christ salutes you God, my Father. Peace! Peace! Peace! The great peace of God prevails!