
Transformation / Transfiguration

1Cor.15:51 “We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed.” Change of form, shape, structure or substance; transformation. A marked or complete change of character, appearance, condition etc.

We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and that is good. Let us bring that to a higher dimension. Name means nature or the character of that person.

So we must take on His nature & pray in His nature; become His nature. God is Love; how simple. We must become His Perfect love to the world.

So our invisible God can become visible to all mankind. Jesus said, ”If you see me you see the Father.”

The City of Truth Ministries is all about opening the message of Life to all creation. So we may all know the truth that sets us free. To learn our true identity, not the old Adam for which we were, but the new creation man in Christ Jesus. Our vision has been always to be all that He is, to know Him in spirit & in truth. It has been a journey for us, allowing the Father to teach us His ways,. We don’t know all His ways, but we do know a lot of them, for they have set us free from the doctrines of man.

“I see the Lord and He is high & lifted up and His train fills my Temple.” We have a vision for a piece of land, a retreat for His people. Where whomsoever, (young and old, rich or poor) may come and stay and hear His words of life. To learn of Him, become rooted and grounded on a strong foundation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  To be that out stretched hand to His people.  So many have made wrong decisions so young in their life. To all the ones without a hope, may we be a light  (an understanding) that our Lord came to give them life and that which is more abundant. So many are in the valley of decisions. May we (as Ezekiel prophesied to those dead dry bone so they may live) be a beacon of light.

Ezk.37:3-7.  vs.3  And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.

vs.4  Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.


vs.5  Thus saith the Lord God, unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:

vs.6  And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with  skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live, and ye shall know that I am Lord.

  1. 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied, there was a noise and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.

May we be committed to bring them a hope, a word of encouragement that all things are possible to him that believe. May we be their strength until they are strong.

May we be their example of who He is, until they may also know we are all the same in Him.

May we show His healing power in our lives, until they may know that healing for themselves. For this is the plan of God.  “That every knee shall bow and every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord.”

The caterpillar a lowly worm that has had to crawl on its belly all of its life to exist. However, within this lowly worm lies a substance, maybe the size of a pin-head, that awakens in this worm and lets it know it has a higher destiny.  Come up higher, you have a higher destiny. There is a substance in you, it is called the Holy Spirit; that will lead and guide you to all truth. What an awesome God we serve.  No matter how down we are in our life He has a destiny for each one of us to be transformed back to the Garden of Eden. The garden (or kingdom) within us. Transformed by the renewing of our mind.  No more limitations of this human existence.  To know our true identity in Him. May we give them a haven, until they know their true identity.

Coming from darkness to life. Coming from hell to the Heavens.

Coming from death into life.Transformed from the carnal mind to the mind of Christ.

Coming into our promised land of nothing is impossible to him that believe. No more limitations.


Jesus said, “If you see me you see the Father.” Oh The Glory of it All, that He may be Glorified in us.

What a beautiful lesson to learn of the caterpillar. It was all within himself, all prepared before the foundation of the world, as it is in each one of us. Our Lord and Savior’s message to the world. “The Kingdom of God is within”.

Just as that worm must form a cocoon & is hid until it is free to fly. So are we in our cocoon & He is hid in us until the transformation process is finished & we become all that He is. The wisdom of God in this earthen vessel.

The Kingdom of God within man. Our destiny (that which is within) is to be manifested on the outside so our Father may be shown to the world & we can also say, “ If you see me you see the Father.”

God is Love, so must we become Love, that perfect Love. We are commissioned “to be ye perfect even as your Father is perfect”.

The word Perfect means to be complete. It is time to be complete in Him, the very image of our Father.

So put yourself in His hands and allow Him to mold you and make you after His will.

Watch and listen, the lowly worm that you were will be transformed to a beautiful creation of who He is and you will be set free.

Pastor Jean