We live between two Worlds

We live between two worlds our worlds must become one.

Man was created in the spirit world.  Man was created in the spirit world after the image and likeness of God.  But, God wanted to be seen in the material world.

Hence God’s purpose for mankind.

When the Lord God brought forth a manifestation of himself in Gen. 2:7. He formed a body from the dust of the earth.  All the material he used in creation came out of God.  So even the dust is spirit. Man was created in the spiritual world.  God’ will and purpose is for man to live in the center of the two worlds.

Everything was good, everything perfected.  Being part of the material world of man, subject to decay and change.

We need to see how man was begotten of God. Christ Jesus in the beginning,  bridged the gap between God and man. He now appears as the Lord God.

Jesus Christ had always been.  “Ever Living one”.

John 1:1

Eph.2:10. We were created in Christ Jesus…  but never born.

Rom. 8:11 Same Spirit.  Only one spirit in this universe and that spirit is God.

John 10:24   Jesus and the Father is one. Jesus prayed Father you and I are one, now make them one with us.

John 10:27   My sheep hear my voice, not my sheep read my bible.

We are in God from eternity past, and we are in Christ from our creation in

Gen. 1:26. Gen. 1: 28, that first man Christ Jesus was told to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the earth.  He was obedient and did exactly what he was told to do.  Gen.2:7 He formed man out of the dust of earth (us) breathed into the nostrils the breath of life. (us) Now man was to bridge the gulf between the spiritual world and physical world.  Being spirit we can function in the spiritual world and the physical.


Being able to do that we to function in both worlds, defines our true identity of who we are.  We are created in spirit.

Man in the natural lives his life completely in the physical world, being subject to the limitations.

But, it is the Heavenly Father’s intention to function in the spiritual world, according to that eternal life he gave us in creation.

We need to different kinds of faculties, in order to operate in two worlds.

  1. Faculties geared for the physical world.
  2. Faculties geared for the realm of spirit.

In the natural world it is our natural or carnal mind, which was used to deceive Eve by the serpent, Eve the woman (who we are) was never created she was formed by the Lord God.  Therefore was subject to the deception of the serpent.  She never had the same relationship with God that Adam had.  So for her to break the love covenant that Adam had with God, was not a problem.  The serpent know she would be deceived and would believe the lie that she would not die if she ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

While man is subject to the carnal mind he would ignore the word of the Father.  Rom. 8:7 According to the carnal mind, the word death means cessation of life, so death takes over.  She did not literally die, she died to the intelligence of the spirit mind.  She was filled with the consciousness of other things.  Adam suffered the same consequence, he hid from God.

Rom 1:28   The term reprobate speaks of a metal that is not true to type.  Has an inferior quality.

Rom. 7:22.This is the double mindedness of our being. This dual function denies the reality of our true being and identity.



Rom. 7:8 The apostle Paul simplifies it.  If our identity is in Christ Jesus, then the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, has made us free from the law of sin and death.  Jesus Christ went to the cross as us to destroy mortality.   He was buried and on the third day.  He walked out of the tomb a new creation man.  Within in him was all mankind.  Forever free from the law of sin and death.  It no longer has a basis to function in us anymore.

The painful truth is that God’s people do not see themselves in Christ, who is Lord and King reigning in righteousness over our bodies which are the Temple of God.  We know this to be truth, but, now we must step into that reality.  The demonstration of that truth will be lacking.

This is a huge step to leave behind our sense of our mortality and look behind our birth into this world, to see our true identity in the spirit world & see the other side of the cross and the tomb.


2 Cor. 5:18 The ministry of reconciliation is very important.   Reconciliation to God is not optional, it is essential part of bringing into union of what we once were, with what we are now.

Col. 1:21  In his body of flesh on the cross, Jesus Christ reconciled us by exchanging the glorious body in which he suffered, bled and died for our body so that on the third day we might walk out of the tomb in a body that was perfect and incorruptible.  Christ declares triumphantly in

Rev. 1:18. “Whatever you have done in your life, I have already paid your debt in my body, taking it into death as your body. Now on the third day, the one who walked out of the tomb is YOU.  But your body is now different for it Is a NEW CREATION BODY.    Fashioned   after my  GLORIOUS BODY which cannot be affected in this world, for it belongs to that other world, WORLD OF SPIRIT, WHERE SICKNESS, PAIN, SUFFERING, AND DEATH DO NOT EVEN EXIST.”