No More Walls


This ministry is the ministry of Jesus, this ministry flows out of the Most Holy Place.  The ministry is beyond Pentecost, it is after the order of Melchisedec. It has three realms of maturity.  This is the realm  of manifestation of 100 fold.  The realm of the 30 fold is, the realm of the outer court.  The realm of Pentecost is the realm of the 60 fold. As we go on with the Lord we can come into the full inheritance of the 100 fold, realm of perfection, realm of maturity,  the most Holy Place where our Father will tabernacle with us & we are restored back to the place of completeness as ONE.  I Am that I Am.  Glory to God!

Matt.:13:22-23.  He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.  23.  But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.  We can stay in the outer court & we learn Jesus is the way at thirty fold.  As we come into the Holy place, we learn Jesus is the truth.  But, when we come into the hundred fold, Jesus is the life of God.  This is our journey, our learning His ways. This is our vision to be as Jesus was, you see me you see the Father. Remember in the outer court you do not start at 30 you start as one, same for the 60 or 100, this is a journey of progression.  I want to have all that God has for me. You want all that God has for you. Our vision is all the same.

So what hinders us from entering into the fullness of the God head.  We must put all our enemies under our feet. When you start to come into the high realm of God we must put all our enemies under our feet, we need to overcome them.  Now in this 30 fold, we are young ,some babies & on the milk of the word.  Father will treat His young ones a little different, they have some trouble eating on meat of the word, they can’t digest as well.  They need Father to be gentle with them, they are new to the faith message.  Their faith wavers more quickly. But thank God we start to grow & become stronger in the word of the Lord, faith starts to grow strong & we have a hope.  We come into that Holy Place, that Pentecost experience.  This is a wonderful place to be & for many people they believe this to be all there is, maybe because of teachings, doctrines, whatever reason, you can’t stay in this place, there is so much more & we need to climb higher.  We hear the


voice of the Spirit says, “Come up higher.”  Over the many, years learning & the many years of study, I would like to share this chart, that was so helpful for me to begin to understand the progression of our experiences.

Passover                        Pentecost                                   Tabernacle

Outer Court                   Holy Place                                  Most Holy Place

New Birth                      Holy Spirit (baptism)                Maturity

Jesus (Savior)                Christ ( anointing)                    The Lord

Milk                                 Bread                                         Meat

The Way                         The Truth                                  The Life

Faith                                Hope                                          LOVE


The thing that hinders us from entering into  all that the Lord has for us are the walls which we have created by our own thinking, or by teachings we have accepted or by not knowing truth because we have been deceived. We have all built our walls within ourselves & for the most part these walls all come from our fears.  The word tells us Fear is not of God, so it is easy to see we built these walls with our carnal mind.  Walls are a stumbling block & interferes with our walk with God.  Our God understands this, with mercy, understanding, compassion & His love, He leads us through our trials & tribulations.  The result is victory over the carnal nature that we were & we see the walls of all our fears come down, destroyed, we see ourselves in the Holy of Holies. With the nature of the Father.

Everything we go through, if we allow God to have His perfect will all things are exposed & we have the victory.  Another enemy is put under our feet.  Each trial we see God more clearly, our eye becomes single & behold only Him.

To name a few of the walls, fear, hatred,  anger, jealousy, unforgiveness, guilt, poverty, lack of any kind, malice, deceit, unbelief, religious doctrines, lies, false gods, pride, boastfulness, to name a few.  They are our enemies & must be put under our feet. They are of the world of our carnal nature & must be under our feet as we overcome this nature & take on the nature of our Lord and Savior Jesus


Christ.  We must come higher into the world of Spirit, we must worship Him in Spirit & in Truth. This is where we are the overcomers, all things become subjected to His Kingdom.  We become His way, as we take on His way.  We are His truth as we take on His truth, and now we take on His life, for our life is no longer ours, but His.  As Jesus said, & we will also say,  I Am the way, the truth & the Life.  There isn’t any other way except through our Lord & Savior.  Taking the same mind which was in Him & now we are one as we have the same matured mind.

The word tells us we already have the mind of Christ in us, but, now it is becoming matured. The word tells us the only fall of man is the lie he received from the beginning.  The Spirit of God never left us.  He is in every man, but, buried in our tomb so to speak, that we created for Him.   He wants  out of the tomb within you, He wants resurrection day for the  Christ you buried within yourselves. He is in our clay body & He wants to resurrect & show Himself to a hurting world again.  This is the vision that everyone should have, that your body is the Temple of God.  The Kingdom of God is within each & everyone, crying to manifest Himself in you.  As Jesus said, “If you see me you see the Father.  That is the vision of the Kingdom is for all of us.  God is Spirit & made man in His image.  He wanted a body that would house HIM, so He may walk among His people & show HIMSELF.  That is what Jesus did, the vision has not changed, we must worship HIM in Spirit & in truth. When this body of yours & mine manifests our Father & we speak the words of Life & Spirit, we will do the works of the Father, so all may see Him. The Father is Spirit & He needs a body so He may be seen again to a hurting world, so all may know HIM. It means everything we do will be ordained from the  throne of our God, we will be seated by His right hand, a mighty army of God.  That throne is the matured mind of Christ.

Scripture tells us to be perfect even as our Father is perfect.  How many times I hear, we cannot be perfect but, scripture tells us to be perfect.  I believe love covers a multitude of sin.  When we are all love, when we can say I love the Lord my God with all my heart & strength  & my neighbor as myself, my love has been made perfect & that is the perfection I seek.



Too long we have eaten of the tree of Knowledge of good & evil, one becomes what we eat.  We are told not to eat of that tree, but eat of the tree of life, as we eat of that word & we become that word, we become the Tree of life & everyone that eats of our fruit (words) they will have life also.  We have done this in part, but the full manifestation of the word is coming forth.  It will bring life to His people, the fruit will be good to eat & they will receive life & that which is more abundant .  Glory to God!