In order to know the Lord, you must have a personal relationship with him. Getting to know God by the spirit, is like any relationship, you must work at it.
His ways are so much higher then our ways. So we must take the HIGH Way to him, which is the highway of holiness (holiness means to become Whole) In a natural relationship before you get married, you want to know everything about your intended spouse. You want to know what makes him or her happy, you want to be able to please them. So it is with the Lord your God. If you don’t work at the relationship you will never have one. The first thing to do is to know someone, it must be by the truth of that person. If we don’t it will lead to separation & divorce.
Getting to know your Lord, is really the same thing. God’s cry to his people has always been the same cry. To love him as he loves us.
The law never could do this, because his people see him as their Judge. When you have a law of the land, you break it, you must face the Judge, you must reap what you sow. The judge will give you the punishment of breaking the law. This was the Israelites, they, if they broke the law, God was their Judge & this is what they believed… Israel could never have a relationship under the law & there was a divorce, the only way to know him is to be reconciled back through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Church, the gentiles has done the same thing, not working in grace, but in their laws. There not teaching, that their sins have been taken away, the old man is dead & NOW they are a new creation in Christ Jesus.
The door is open & we can know him through our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus came & reconciled the world unto himself. He didn’t fail, he did it all, but we must know him by the spirit. & truth of who he is & what he did for us.
We are the Church, the bride of Christ, we are being prepared to marry the lamb. Our Lord. The Bride must take on His name. (name means nature) we are one with Him, but, we must show it. Show the same nature. The Church is going through the refiner’s fire, we must be cleansed. Religion teaches – give your heart to Jesus & you are going to be raptured out of here, WRONG! The word says, be ye perfect even as your Father is perfect. He is coming to receive His true Church, which is without spot, wrinkle or blemish. Even the Lord’s prayer, tells us.
Our Father which art in heaven, hollowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We are not going anywhere; Heaven is
coming here. Not only to this world, or earth but, you are made from the dust of the earth. Heaven is in you. Heaven is coming to your earth.
That means you must be without your man made doctrines. Pre-conceived ideas about who he is & who we are. You must see him as Love, see Him as mercy, see Him in grace & BE that love, BE that mercy, BE that grace, Jesus said, “You see me, you see the Father.” We must be able to say the same thing.
We must put away the doctrines of man & go to the fullness of Christ. You will never know Christ, as your true husband until you lay aside man’s doctrines & beliefs. When we speak the truth, the spirit, will confirm the truth to that person. That is not our job, we speak the truth, the work is done by the spirit of truth to that individual. We do not ever come against, the people in religious ideas of their particular church. They have a desire for God. The doctrines of that church, those walls will not stand in the sight of God. Those walls or doctrines will come down.
We will know him when we see him because we will be as he is. God is spirit, we are born of the spirit, so that makes us a spirit being, how will we know him by having his nature. Our nature & his nature must be ONE.
Pastor Jean