Transformation God’s Plan
Change of form, shape, structure or substance; transformation.
a marked or complete change of character, appearance, condition etc.
We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and that is good.
Let us bring that to a higher dimension.
Name means nature or the character of that person.
So we must take on His nature & pray in His nature. become His nature.
God is Love how simple, we must become His Perfect love to the world.
So our invisible God , can become visible to all mankind.
Jesus said, ”If you see me you see the Father.”
The City of Truth Ministries are all about opening the message of Life to all creation.
So we may all know the truth that sets us free. To learn our true identity, not the old Adam
for which we were, but the new creation man in Christ Jesus. My vision has been always to be all that He is, to know Him in spirit & in truth. It has been a journey of over 40 years, allowing the Father to teach me His ways,. I don’t know all His ways, but I do know a lot of them, for they have set me free from the doctrines of man.
“I see the Lord and He is high & lifted up and His train fills my Temple.”
Hear His words of life, learn of Him, being rooted and grounded on a strong foundation of our Lord Jesus Christ. To be that out stretched hand to His people. So many have made wrong decisions, so young in their life. So many are in the valley of decisions. May we be their example & strength for a more abundant life which the Lord can only give. May we be committed to bring them a hope, a word of encouragement that all things are possible, to him that believe. May we be there strength, until they are strong. May we be their example of who He is, until they learn, they are also the same as He is. May we show His healing power in our lives, until they may know that healing for themselves. For this is the plan of God. “That every knee shall bow and every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord.”
Pastor Jean